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Western Cape Council

Elana HopkinsPresedent
Luzaan SlabbertVice President
Suzie MichaelidesTreasurer (Finance and Admin)
Armin FritzDevelopment and Transformation
Chanda BaileyJudges and Officials
Anja LourensMarketing and Advertising

The Role of your  DSA Western Cape Committee is as follows:

  1. Inspect, advise and approve potential new venues
  2. Set out calendar of events for the year
  3. Approve schedules and assist with distribution of schedule
  4. Ensure that shows run in accordance with rules
  5. Follow up with payment of levies
  6. Minute taking of various meetings and distribution of agenda
  7. Monitor potential unsanctioned events
  8. Follow up on membership
  9. Promote new membership
  10. Follow up on non-compliance by show holding bodies
  11. Resolve issues arising out of local shows
  12. Train and develop local Stewards and Judges
  13. Oversee training of show organisers
  14. Licence provincial title events
  15. Administer rider ranking and rider awards
  16. Maintain trophies for province
  17. Talent identification projects
  18. Maintain database of coaches
  19. Oversee coaching of coaches
  20. Verify and resolve grading matters
  21. Liaise with local Eventing committee needs, etc.
  22. Various grassroots level projects e.g. Riding Club Competition
  23. Selection of Provincial teams
  24. Answer and deal with technical matters and queries